Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Long time coming

Man it has been a LONG time since I wrote. A little over a year. Well a lot has happened in that year. Moving to Oakland (the coolest city), starting a new job, buying a house, and now starting another new job next week. Since moving I've had a lot of trouble finding the right balance between work and life. The gym has suffered, which is a major source of my serenity and peace of mind. My program (i'm in a 12 step program for those who don't know) has suffered as I haven't been able to make as many meetings either due to work, or exhaustion, or just the commute taking too long to get there on time. Those 2 items alone matter to me a lot.
Where I've been working is a powerhouse of design. they are at the top of their game, winning awards, getting press and just riding high. From the outside most would think I'd be a fool for leaving. I got it made here professionally. I mean my first completed project is published in 3 magazines right now.


A recruiter contacted me about a new position a few weeks ago and I just figured why not at least check it out. Well one thing led to another and another job offer was received for a position here in the Bay Area. I decided to take it. To seek a better work/life balance. Where I am now is great but is very "start up"-ish in nature. Young ones burning the midnight oil, rolling in at 10am, staying late... yeah its not for me. I like being home and having an evening. i like my meetings and my time with Peter. I like succeeding at work too, but I don't believe in working myself to a bleeding ulcer, or working myself to exhaustion. I've done that. I've had a lot of stress in my life and worked really hard to get through it.

I'm not going to do that anymore. I'm going to go where it seems that I can do what I do well while at the same time live my life to the fullest. on to the next chapter.